IN2 MCT Oil 500 ml

Rapid Energy Source
Beneficial in Ketogenic Diet
Fuels Athletic Performance

Product description

MCTs (Medium-chain triglycerides) are fats that are easily digested and can be rapidly used for energy by athletes and persons with a fast metabolism or higher caloric needs. They are excellent sources of fats in ketogenic diets to improve energy levels and fuel exercise performance. MCTs are considered to be “the ultimate ketogenic fats” as they are converted into ketone bodies faster than other fats. They can also act as energy sources for the brain. IN2 MCT Oil is composed of 100% pure plant-based caprylic and capric acid, naturally extracted from coconuts. Due to their shorter chain length, caprylic acid (C8) and capric acid (C10) are more beneficial as compared to other medium-chain fatty acids present in coconut.

Rapid Energy Source
Beneficial in Ketogenic Diet
Fuels Athletic Performance
Supports Digestion and Nutrient Absorption
Helps Protect Heart Health

Additional information
