

Fasting during Navratri, which lasts nine days, is ideal for cleansing the body and reducing excess fat through a healthy Navratri diet plan. The 9-day festival of Navratri is quickly approaching, and people all over northern and western India are preparing for it. While fasting for nine days during Navratri is an excellent way to slim down and tone up, it also has the potential to have the opposite effect. The nine-day fast causes weight loss in most of the devotees.

Many people refer to India as the “land of festivals” for this very reason. Although there are four Navratris throughout the year, the vast majority of Hindus in the country celebrate only two of them—Chaitra Navratri and Sharad Navratri. Celebrated in the transitional months between spring and summer, Chaitra Navratri typically occurs between March and April. During Navratri, Hindus fast as an act of devotion and eat simple meals prepared with only a few ingredients.

It’s important to note that even though some foods are permitted in the Navratri diet plan, this doesn’t mean they’re healthy for the devotees to eat. Observe these guidelines and you can party without jeopardizing your health.

Lose weight in navratri

1. Increase your intake of raw fruits and vegetables in the Navratri diet plan

It’s common to go overboard with your food intake around the holidays, especially when it comes to fried, fatty, and calorie-dense foods. Fruits and vegetables should make up a large portion of your daily diet. These foods are high in beneficial nutrients and fiber but low in fat. Your digestive system is humming along nicely, your skin is radiant, and you’re keeping your calorie intake in check. The list includes citrus fruits, tomatoes, spinach, amla berries, and carrots. Kids have a propensity to overeat candy, so it’s wise to put a cap on their intake.

2. Participating in regular physical activity during 9 days fast in Navratri

Engage in at least 45 minutes of daily physical activity, whether at home or in a gym setting. Most people are at their most alert and rested between 10 and 11 in the morning and 5 and 6 in the evening, making those times ideal for physical activity. Your energy levels can benefit greatly from a short burst of activity, such as a brisk walk or jog.

3. Make a Navratri diet plan by making healthy food

Eat wholesome meals with your loved ones instead of excessive amounts of sugary treats. By preparing and eating healthy meals, it is possible to avoid overindulging in unhealthy holiday treats. Have daily meals that are freshly prepared and eaten.

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4. An easy, nutritious breakfast can set the tone for a productive day

Not only is it healthy to start the day with a bowl of fruit or a handful of dry fruits, but it can also keep you from feeling hungry and reaching for snacks throughout the day. Consequently, controlling your weight can be aided by limiting your consumption of high-calorie, high-sugar, and high-fat foods.

5. You should be careful not to starve during 9 days fast in Navratri

Usually, people will skip breakfast or fast all day before going out to a party or dinner so that they can eat whatever they want. They think they can control their calorie intake by skipping one daily meal. They’re acting rashly by using a tactic without thinking through the results. Meal skipping can lead to binge eating later, which can cause unwanted weight gain and discomfort. Diet Plus Minus’s founder, Dr. Pankaj Kumar, recommends sticking to your regular eating and exercise schedule even when you have public obligations. Make smart choices when you’re out and about, and you’ll be fine.


Weight loss by Dr. Pankaj Kumar

6. Limits beverages during the 9-day fast in Navratri

If you want to drink alcohol, wait at least an hour after eating. Eat something substantial before you drink anything to avoid stomach discomfort and excessive burping. Mix your favorite alcoholic beverage with water, ginger, and mint leaves to make a refreshing cocktail. If you’d prefer something non-alcoholic, you could always try some lime soda or coconut water. Mixed drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, are high in calories and should be avoided. It’s a good idea to cut back on drinking during the holidays.


7. It’s not a good idea to eat at odd hours in the Navratri diet plan

We’re all in a festive mood, so many of us decide to eat later than usual. The digestive system may suffer if you keep eating after you should have finished dinner. The reason for this is that as the night progresses, the body’s metabolism slows down naturally. You might put on weight as a result of this.


8. If you feel like you need to, cut back on the amount you eat

At parties, most people eat more than they need. When in a festive mood, it’s fine to put safety first. It’s nearly impossible to avoid both sweet and savory treats at parties hosted by friends and family. Lessen your intake of hotter and fried foods, and reduce your intake of both. Forget the deep fryer and use grilling and baking instead when you host dinner parties at home.


9. Deep-frying in the Navratri diet plan

The negative effects of high-fat diets on health have been known for quite some time. It has been linked to cardiovascular disease and obesity, so it’s best to avoid it. Nonetheless, not all deep-fried foods are bad for you. The quantity and quality of the food you consume are the most important factors. Don’t put used oil in the recycling. Homemade ghee is the only type of ghee that can be reused. Air-fried and microwaved foods should be avoided because they cause an acidic pH level in the body and make you crave sugar.



10. Eat more home-cooked meals in the Navratri diet plan

Instead of buying candy at the store, you should make your own. Making it yourself gives you complete control over the ingredients and the satisfaction of accomplishing something from scratch.


11. Drink lots of water during 9 day fast in Navratri

Make sure the kids, and everyone else in the family, drinks plenty of water over the holidays. This allows for the removal of potentially harmful substances while allowing for the conservation of vital fluids. It’s amazing what a little lemon juice or fresh mint leaves can do for an otherwise boring glass of water.

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